NOTICE TO LANDOWNERS: Pond/Lake/Dam Construction - it's important to understand the permitting process. As a landowner, you may have questions about the process/permits required for pond/lake/dam construction. You will need to contact these 3 agencies for guidance:
The Department of Conservation and Recreation Dam Safety and Floodplains Division (DCR)
The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
The Army Corps of Engineers
The Department of Conservation and Recreation Dam Safety and Floodplains Division is a resource when you begin looking into construction. This link will take you to their site, which has information on the permitting process and/or exemption definitions.
The construction may need to be permitted by Dam Safety, to ensure you are not constructing a project that will be subject to regulation, you can contact: the Dam Safety Regional Engineer covering Buckingham and Cumberland.
Department of Conservation and Recreation Dam Safety and Floodplains Division (DCR)
Justin Deel, P.E.
Regional Dam Safety Engineer
900 Natural Resources Drive, Room 2028
Fontaine Research Park
Charlottesville, VA 22903
804-221-0476 Cell
For environmental permitting requirements, please contact:
The Department of Environmental Quality
Piedmont Regional Office
4949-A Cox Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060
All ponds fall under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) when you conduct land disturbing activity. You will need to consult with them regardless of the intended use of the pond.
The Army Corp of Engineers
USACOE, Norfolk District
Richmond Field Office
9100 Arboretum Parkway, Suite 235
Richmond, VA 23236
Steven Vanderploeg